For most of us work is more than selling our labour for money. We also expect to find motivation and satisfaction. We’d prefer work to be fulfilling – rather than “just a job”.
We talk about finding meaning at work, learning and developing at work, finding dignity, respect and opportunities to grow at work. More recently we look to work to meet our health and wellbeing needs.
We make (more or less) sense of our work and meaning, fulfilment, dignity, respect through our relationships, the quality of our interactions day-to-day interactions. We spend so much of our time and energy at work – more time and energy there than with our partners, families and friends – that it is imperative to hire for good behaviour as well as performance.
We need to consider recruiting against our expectations of work. Adding a new person to the workplace has consequences for how we derive meaning, fulfilment, dignity, respect, wellbeing and the dynamics of relationships. We need to hire for good behaviour.
Recruiting an employee – selecting someone with good behaviour who will contribute positively to the team dynamic – it’s a bit like an arranged marriage. There is not a “getting to know each other stage”, unless you count probation. It’s Day 1 – here is your new team member!
How do you decide who will spend more time with you than your partner?
What can you do to boost the chances of a successful arrangement?
By Joe Moore.
Joe is the founder and principal of Kimber Moore Associates. He and his team are highly skilled in helping leaders and staff deal with uncertainty, change, complexity and conflict.